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CLEP Course Equivalencies

The following provides information about the CLEP® (College-Level Examination Program) exams and their CCCC course equivalencies, the CCCC credit awarded for each exam and the accepted American Council on Education recommended credit-granting score. Please note that credits awarded and credit-granting scores may vary from those recommended by The American Council on Education (e.g. foreign languages).

See also: CLEP®: College-Level Examination ProgramCLEP® Exam Descriptions

CLEP® Exam Rec ACE*
Rec ACE* Credit
CCCC Credit
CCCC Course
Financial Accounting 50 3 3 ACC201
Introductory Business Law 50 3 3 BUS120
Information Systems and Computer Applications 50 3 3 CIT112
Principles of Management 50 3 3 BUS214
Principles of Marketing 50 3 3 MKT201
Composition and Literature
American Literature 50 3 3 ENL205

Analyzing & Interpreting Literature.

50 3 3 ENL110 or literature elective
College Composition 50 6 3 ENL101
English Literature 50 3 3 ENL203
Humanities 50 3 3 HUM102
Foreign Languages
French Language
(Levels 1 and 2)







FRN 103  & FRN 104

Humanities & Fine Arts Elective Credit

German Language
(Levels 1 and 2)







GER 103  and Humanities & Fine Arts Elective Credit

Humanities & Fine Arts Elective Credit

Spanish Language (Level 1) 50–62



SPN 104 & SPN 106

Spanish Language (Level 2) 63–80 9 6

Humanities & Fine Arts Elective Credit

Spanish with Writing
(Level 1 Proficiency)

50  6

SPN 104 & SPN 106


Spanish with Writing
(Level 2 Proficiency)

65 9 12

SPN 104 & SPN 106 and Humanities & Fine Arts Credit

History and Social Sciences
American Government 50 3 3 GOV111
Educational Psychology, Introduction to 50 3 3 Behavioral/Social Sciences Dist.
History of United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 50 3 3 HIS103
History of United States II: 1865 to the Present 50 3 3 HIS104
Human Growth & Development 50 3 3 PSY233
Macroeconomics 50 3 3

Behavior & Social Science Elective Credit

Microeconomics 50 3 3

Behavior & Social Science Elective Credit

Psychology, Introductory 50 3 3 PSY101
Social Science & History 50 6 6 HIS103/SOC106
Sociology, Introductory 50 3 3 SOC106
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 50 3 3 HIS160
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present 50 3 3 HIS162
Science & Mathematics
Biology** 50 6 3 BIO151
Calculus 50 3 4 MAT240
Chemistry** 50 6 3 CHM151
College Algebra 50 3 4 MAT175
College Mathematics 50 3 3 MAT130
Natural Sciences 50 6 6 Nat Science Dist
Pre-Calculus 50 4 4 MAT195

*ACE: American Council on Education
**Students successfully completing the Biology and Chemistry exams may register for a one credit laboratory course to earn a total of 4 credits at 4Cs.

Contact Registration

Office of the Registrar
Location Nickerson Administration Building, First Floor
Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm
Phone 774.330.4711 
Fax 508.375.4084